transformational intelligence™ CONSULTING Approach

Design New Mindsets, Narratives, and Action Plans for Leading Transformation

In these “unprecedented times,” leaders need to think, communicate, and collaborate in new, unprecedented ways. Through Transformational Intelligence™, Jordan Bower guides leaders to harness the synergy of analytical, social, emotional, and creative intelligence so you can navigate a world where change isn’t just constant — it’s exponential.

Transformational intelligence™ for teams

Get started with Phase Zero™

Kickstart your team's journey to Transformational Intelligence™ with Phase Zero — a deeply insightful diagnostic engagement, guided by master change catalyst, Jordan Bower.

Transformational Intelligence™

Diagram showing four types of intelligence: Analytical, Social, Emotional, and Creative, leading to Transformational Intelligence.

Transformational Intelligence™, our proprietary methodology, is about synthesizing four domains of human intelligence in a leadership or organizational setting to create unprecedented impact.

While many organizations have traditionally viewed intelligence exclusively as logical and data-driven analysis, Transformational Intelligence both broadens the definition and works towards synthesis, so that organizational leaders can find new, more effective solutions to today’s complex business challenges.

The goal of Transformational Intelligence is to do more than change how leaders act — it’s to help them change how they think. Through Transformational Intelligence, leaders can improve complex problem solving, creativity, emotional intelligence, systems thinking, and other foundational skills that are consistently ranked among the most essential capabilities for navigating our rapidly changing business landscape.

“Leaders must evolve beyond being managers seeking incremental improvement to become visionaries with the courage to boldly imagine and pursue the future.”

McKinsey Quarterly, May 2023

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Introducing Our Methodology

The Four Dimensions of
Transformational Intelligence™

Analytical Intelligence

The foundation of evidence-based decision-making, analytical intelligence enables organizations to:

  • Leverage data to identify patterns and opportunities

  • Apply systems thinking to understand complex interdependencies

  • Assess risks and rewards with precision

  • Create testable hypotheses for continuous improvement

Social Intelligence

The architecture of collaborative networks, social intelligence helps organizations to:

  • Connect, communicate, and collaborate across diverse stakeholders

  • Build trust across organizational boundaries

  • Create shared meaning through compelling narratives

  • Strengthen collective creativity and resilience

Emotional Intelligence

The catalyst for human engagement and resilience, emotional intelligence allows organizations to:

  • Regulate reactions to uncertainty and ambiguity

  • Foster psychological safety during periods of disruption

  • Identify blockages to Analytical Intelligence

  • Re-ignite motivation, create belonging, and allow creativity to flourish

Creative Intelligence

The engine of innovation and reimagination, creative intelligence enables organizations to:

  • Challenge established assumptions and mental models

  • Envision alternative futures and possibilities

  • Synthesize diverse perspectives into novel solutions

  • Experiment with emerging planning and creative leadership approaches


Strategic Backcasting™:
A Cornerstone Methodology

At the heart of the Transformational Intelligence™ approach lies Strategic Backcasting — a powerful planning methodology that fundamentally differs from conventional strategic planning.

From Forecasting to Backcasting

Traditional strategic planning typically relies on forecasting—projecting current trends forward to predict likely futures. This approach works well in stable environments but falls short in times of rapid change and disruption.

Strategic Backcasting reverses this process. By beginning with a clear vision of success — one that goes beyond goal-setting to get to the heart and soul of what you’re trying to accomplish — leaders can better understand and assess the functional, emotional, social, and creative shifts required to actualize that future state. You can set different priorities and design a different level of strategic narrative coherence.

The Practical Impacts of Transformational Intelligence™

Improve Creativity in Strategic Planning

Develop the capability to envision unprecdented future states — and align your team to use Backcasting to create transformation pathways that connect the present to that desired future.

Implement Adaptive Systems and Mindsets

Shift beyond risk mitigation to embrace complexity, ambiguity, and continuous learning as opportunities rather than threats — and embed this perspective into real business systems.

Transformational Capability Building

Improve agility, resilience, and cognitive flexibility by systematically develop the four TI intelligence domains through experiential learning, coaching, and practice communities.

Business Systems Redesign

Reimagine organizational structures, processes, incentives, and cultures to enable rather than constrain the expression of Transformational Intelligence.

How Jordan Helps Leaders & Teams Turn Transformational Intelligence™ into Action:

  • Phase Zero™ Diagnostic Engagement

    Kickstart your team’s journey to Transformational Intelligence™ with a deeply insightful diagnostic engagement with Jordan Bower.

  • Transformational Strategic Narrative Consulting

    Craft compelling, strategic and authentic narratives that use Strategic Baskcasting™ to connect culture and history with a visionary future.

  • Transformational Team Workshops & Seminars

    Participate in a unique team learning engagements that builds the skills and intelligence to be effective in an ever-evolving workplace.

  • Creative Leadership Coaching for Executives & Leaders

    Work with me as your creative leadership and storytelling coach to build your ability to innovate and communicate as a future-focused leader.


Who Benefits from Transformational Intelligence™?

Transformational Intelligence can help any forward-thinking leader who sees the urgency of adopting new ways of leading, planning and communicating:

  • Corporate Leaders, Owners, Executive Directors, or Board Chairs who are responsible for leading teams to new levels of skills, engagement, and success while also advancing innovative or transformational agendas

  • Start-up Founders, Entrepreneurs or Thought Leaders who are designing systematic change and need to create compelling and visionary narratives to engage their teams, investors, the market, or society at large

  • Hybrid, Virtual and In-Person teams who need to achieve complex operational goals, improve creativity and win organizational buy-in while also addressing burn-out, isolation, and lack of belonging

  • High-Potential Leaders who are building their inner and outer resources in next level skills like creative thinking, collaborative leadership, and compelling and authentic storytelling


How Transformational Intelligence™ Helps Leaders & Organizations

Most organizations rely solely on Analytical Intelligence, through data-driven analysis, logical reasoning, and scenario planning. This domain of intelligence can be a powerful tool. However, because Analytical Intelligence extrapolates from what has already occurred, it can hamper an organization’s ability to properly evaluate truly innovative and creative alternatives.

Analytical Intelligence requires the integration and balance of the other components in order to achieve today’s complex goals like:

Accelerate Value Creation

TI-powered organizations identify and capture value faster than competitors relying on traditional change approaches.

Navigate Complexity

TI-powered organizations more easily make sense of ambiguous situations and find clarity amid uncertainty.

Build Adaptive Capacity

Rather than managing specific changes, TI-powered organizations develop the fundamental capacity to evolve continuously.

Sustain Momentum

TI-powered organizations maintain transformation energy beyond initial enthusiasm, creating sustainable evolution.

Foster Innovation Ecosystems

TI-powered organizations create environments where breakthrough thinking flourishes naturally.

Create Transformative Futures

Through strategic backcasting, TI-powered organizations envision compelling futures and develop clear pathways to achieve them.


“Through our work with Jordan, we quickly shifted our focus from how we messaged top-down change to how we could engage our stakeholders authentically in a transformational process.

In just a few days, he (gently) helped us peel back the layers, revealing blind spots we never knew existed and giving us creative guidance on how to move forward.”

—VP of Analytics, Fortune 500 Technology Company

Transformation in Action: Client Success Stories

Mid-Market Consultancy

This cross-functional team needed to streamline and clarify their client communications to elevate the value they were providing. Through a Strategic Backcasting approach, Jordan guided the team to envision their ideal client relationships and work backward to identify the precise shifts in messaging and delivery needed to create those outcomes.

Transformational Intelligence™ Applied: Integration of creative visioning with analytical pathway development, resulting in a completely transformed client engagement model.

“We were blown away by Jordan’s prep and insight. He helped our analytical team embrace outside-the-box thinking by providing practical solutions that drive real client impact.”

— Chief Operating Officer

Global Medical Devices Company

Facing resistance to a major transformation initiative, this organization developed a strategic narrative that helped diverse stakeholders understand the business case for change — and what this shift in narrative would require, personally, of leaders.

Transformational Intelligence™ Applied: Integration of analytical data with emotional and social intelligence to create a narrative that addressed both logical and emotional resistance to change.

“We were so focused on the logical message we were trying to get across — we didn’t realize that we were overlooking the hidden messages we were communicating to our stakeholders. By shifting our tone, Jordan helped us be more creative and human-centered — radically shifting our impact.

— General Manager, Americas

Global Brand Marketing Team

Working in a highly technical industry, this company was struggling to take the creative risks to truly differentiate their brand. Through workshops combining Strategic Backcasting and creative intelligence, they disrupted their conventional thinking to see new paths forward.

Transformational Intelligence™ Applied: Activation of creative intelligence within a team that had previously relied exclusively on analytical approaches, resulting in breakthrough marketing initiatives.

“Jordan challenged us perfectly.

— Chief Marketing Officer

Start your change journey

Explore Phase Zero™, an accessible diagnostic engagement, guided personally by master change catalyst, Jordan Bower.

Learn about Phase Zero

Bald man laughing on a bench, wearing a checkered shirt and jeans.


Hey, I’m Jordan Bower—expert business storytelling teacher, coach and guide.

Jordan Bower has been teaching storytelling in business for more than 15 years. He has worked with 200 clients in business, government, and non-profits and taught storytelling to 1000s of professionals.

  • Deep emotional intelligence

  • Strategic insight

  • Creative facilitation

  • Corporate understanding

  • Innovation and change expertise

  • Recognized subject matter expert and thought leader in his field

Jordan’s expertise spans industries.

Jordan Bower has worked with 200+ organizational clients, including Fortune 500 companies, governments, non-profits & innovative startups like:

Hypothetically Asked Questions

  • Traditional approaches often focus exclusively on analytical intelligence—strategies, processes, and metrics. Transformational Intelligence™ integrates analytical perspectives with emotional, social, and creative intelligences to create more comprehensive and sustainable change. This integration allows organizations to address both the visible, technical aspects of transformation and the invisible, human dimensions.

  • Traditional strategic planning typically projects current trends forward (forecasting) to determine likely futures. Strategic Backcasting reverses this process by first defining a desired future state and then working backward to identify the steps needed to achieve it. This approach is particularly powerful for transformation because it frees your thinking from current constraints and assumptions, allowing for more innovative and ambitious visions.

  • Not at all. Transformational Intelligence™ is designed to solve real business problems by expanding the range of resources available. The methodology doesn't replace analytical approaches but enhances them. Many organizations find that their toughest challenges persist precisely because they've been approaching them too narrowly—through analysis alone. Adding emotional, social, and creative intelligence often unlocks solutions to problems that have resisted traditional approaches.

  • While some benefits are immediate—such as new insights and perspectives—developing full integration of all four intelligence domains is an ongoing journey. Most clients see significant shifts in thinking and tangible results within 3-6 months, with deeper transformation unfolding over longer timeframes. The approach is designed to create both immediate wins and lasting capability.

    In short, I help you find your own answer, rather than giving what I think is the “right” one to you.

  • Both. Transformational Intelligence™ can be developed at the individual leader level through coaching, at the team level through workshops and facilitation, and at the organizational level through strategic narrative and systems change work. Often, the most powerful approach combines work at multiple levels simultaneously.

Abstract green drawing with tangled loops on the left and a spiral on the right, connected by a line

Transform uncertainty into creative possibility.

Ready to kickstart your organization's journey to Transformational Intelligence™? I'd love to collaborate!