strategic narrative consulting

Find your Future-Back Story: Transformational Narrative Consulting.

Your organization's most powerful story isn't in its past—it's in a future that is beyond current imagination. In my transformational narrative consulting practice, I’ll help you articulate your vision of that future, then guide you as you work backwards ←←← to make it real.

In an AI world, every leader must find the human narrative.

In an era of unprecedented change — amid social and technological revolutions — today’s leadership requires a compelling vision of a better future and the narrative architecture to make it real. I help my clients use planning frameworks like “Backcasting” to transport themselves and their organization to a desirable future, and then map up the steps that will get them from there to here.

Most consultants propose solutions that are based on an analysis of the past. But when it comes to innovation, the past can’t predict what has never been. Change comes from the hearts and souls of leaders — our work helps you move confidently into creative transformation.


Through carefully designed conversations, workshops, and strategic sessions, we help your leadership along your journey.

Create a Future Vision

Together, we craft a compelling future narrative that expresses strategic ambition, human aspiration, and your personal inspirations.

Assess the Disruption

We map current narratives, understanding with precision and depth what is required to shift in hearts and minds for each of your constituencies, stakeholders, and audiences.

Build Bridges of Possibility

Working backwards from your vision, we develop systems, narrative and conviction that will catalyze sustainable transformation.

Future-back Narrative Strategy & Development

Starting with your boldest vision, I’ll help you:

  • Envision compelling futures in a rapidly changing world

  • Map the narrative bridges between present and future

  • Design stories that inspire collective movement

  • Create pathways for authentic transformation

  • Guide and support your stakeholders through uncertainty

Have a question? Send Jordan a message.

Jordan Bower facilitates an exercise on business storytelling with a team at an event in New York City.

Build agility by continuously starting from a optimal future and working backwards.

In a world where AI and automation are reshaping every industry, people everywhere are craving trusted, credible and visionary leadership narratives. This isn’t about creating one killer story — it’s about developing the imagination and flexibility to rewrite your narrative continuously.

My consulting practice is predicated on ideas like:

  • Navigate technological disruption with humanity

  • Build authentic connections in digital spaces

  • Create meaningful work in an AI era

  • Drive change that matters

  • Connect with the deepest possible narrative

  • Find the overlap between strategy and soul

Introductory Packages
Start with a comprehensive evaluation from a very different perspective.

A consulting engagement begins with Discovery — a very different organizational assessment. Discovery helps you shift how you assess where you’re at by incorporating a deeper, narrative perspective. From this place, you can begin thinking about your future-back narrative and more clearly identify any emotional, relational or narrative blockages that are in your way.

Small Businesses


Assess current narratives and identify outside-the-box ways forward.

  • Discuss your personal leadership vision

  • Leadership interviews (2-4)

  • Current narrative analysis

  • Future vision mapping

  • Facilitated team meeting

  • Detailed plan for next steps

Teams up to 100 people


Dive deep into current narratives and identify outside-the-box ways forward.

  • Discuss your collective leadership vision

  • Leader/stakeholder interviews (5-10)

  • Current narrative analysis

  • Future vision mapping

  • Facilitated team meeting

  • Detailed plan for next steps

Teams from 100-1,000+

Starts at $50,000

Explore you system of corporate narratives and pinpoint where and how to change.

  • Discuss your collective leadership vision

  • Leadership and stakeholder interviews

  • Current narrative analysis

  • Future vision mapping

  • Facilitated transformation event

  • Detailed plan for next steps

Meet past clients

Jordan has worked with 200 corporate, government, and non-profit organizations, like:


Let’s dive deep into the soul of your narrative.

We help you go through change first, so you can inspire others to follow.

Starting with your boldest vision, we’ll help you envision authentic and compelling futures in a rapidly changing world, and map the narrative bridges between future and present. Our clients design narratives that inspire collective movement and make the map towards creative change.

Our intimate consulting process:

  • Explores emotional and relationalimplications

  • Aligns AI integration with human values

  • Builds narratives that embrace complexity

  • Creates true, visionary stories that resonate

Driven by Passion

Our work connects strategy with authentic human experience, creating narratives that resonate deeply and drive real change.

Come from Creativity

Beginning with your boldest vision, we work backwards to craft narrative bridges that make transformational futures accessible and inspiring.

Connect Deeper with Yourself

When you understand your own story — what drives you, what challenges you, what inspires you— you can become a more effective leader. We are your guides along this personal journey.

Ready to learn more?

I’d love to help you find your unique future-back narrative.