Work with Jordan Bower

Transformational Storyteller Jordan Bower facilitates a transformational storytelling workshop training for business

Learn Transformational Storytelling.

Transformational Storytelling Workshops & Trainings

An in-person learning experience that helps you develop the tools, mindsets and culture that embodies transformational storytelling—an essential communication skill for everyone in business.

This workshop helps your team change your existing narratives, open to greater creativity (and the engagement and innovative problem solving that creativity brings), and use your insights to elevate your impact.

Transformational Consulting

Jordan Bower and his team at RCKT SCNC offer a unique consulting experience that lets your team integrate new insights, creative problem solving, and openness to change by helping you first embodying those leadership characteristics yourself.

Our work extends across industries and disciplines, teaching companies to be more innovative, flexible, motivated, and aligned—even as the whole world changes around them.


We’re in a new world of leadership, and the old mindsets, habits and playbooks aren’t going to work if the outcomes we want are creativity and the willingness to change. Jordan Bower’s keynote speeches are dynamic and interactive audience experiences that do more than transmit information—they bring the audience into a connected experience of creating together.

Leadership Storytelling Coaching

Work 1:1 with Jordan Bower to find and deliver the strategic narrative that achieves complex organizational goals, like buy-in, fundraising or organizational transformation.

As a mentor/coach, I’ll help you develop that magical skill of storytelling from within yourself, so you’re not just saying the words, but communicating what’s required to inspire others to action.


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Jordan Bower has worked with more than 100 organizations from around the world, and more than 5,000 business professionals. His clients include:

Meet Jordan Bower: Founder of Transformational Storytelling

Creativity and Storytelling Consultant and Faciltator Jordan Bower

Creativity means much more than drawing a pretty picture.

In business, creativity is about getting
out of the box and out of your own way

so you can embrace new ideas

ask better questions

develop deeper relationships, and help others navigate

the complex emotions that come about with

the inevitability of change.

Today, we are all in the creativity business.

I can help you figure out what that means for you,

and what you and your team can do
