Business Transformational Consulting with Jordan Bower

In a changing world, your business needs the skills and abilities to innovate, refocus, engage and adapt.

I can help you master the art of creative leadership, empowering you to redefine how your business operates.

To lead an organization today, you don’t just need new solutions. You actually need to become a different person.

In the old world, leaders were operator-managers who were responsible for defining a vision and keeping everyone on track. In the new world of uncertainty, volatility and perpetual change, the core concept of leadership is in the process of evolving. Today, leaders must embody new characteristics and abilities so they can guide others towards the goals that work now requires. This is a transformation in business systems; it is also a transformation in leadership identity.

My work as a transformational consultant is about helping leaders understand and move through this global shift, in a way that is tailored to you and your business:

  • From managing to inspiring

  • From operating to innovating

  • From planning to imagining

  • From directing to catalyzing

  • From controlling to coaching

  • From conforming to expressing your individuality and creativity

“We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.”

— Albert Einstein

Technological disruption is outpacing the capacity of many organizations and workers to imagine new ways of working that get the best out of both humans and technology. Consequently, many organizations may soon be facing an imagination deficit. To prevent this deficit, organizations will need to scale and operationalize the cultivation of distinctly human capabilities like curiosity, empathy, and creativity, and they should give workers and teams the autonomy to use these to shape the kinds of work they do.

— Deloitte, 2024 Human Capital Trends

Examples of my Transformational Consulting Solutions:

Motivational Change Narratives

Work with me to find the right narrative that can get people on board and drive your new initiatives forward.

Go-to-Market Narratives

Find the right messaging to electrify your market, and develop the internal abilities to share your narrative.

Leadership Transition & Succession

Get my help working through complex interpersonal dynamics, and set your team up for sustainable success.

Organizational Strategic Planning

Work with me to design innovative strategic plans that help your organization step outside the box.

Innovation Think Tanks

Work with me to lead your team through design sprints and think tanks that develop new ideas from internal participants.

Leadership Development

Develop future-focused leadership skills that improve communications, collaboration and creative problem solving.

Business Transformational Consulting Process:

1. Discovery

During this initial phase, I’ll help you look at your organization through a human dynamics lens, uncovering the breadth and scope of the transformation. Discovery includes interviews, research, and collaborative creative sessions that help you unpack the issues—while also reimaging in your vision of success.

2. Creative Incubators

Unlike traditional change management, which quickly determines a solution and then moves into a planning phase, my approach is all about helping you develop your creative abilities, so that you—and, by extension, your business—can envision a reality that was invisible before we began the process. These creative incubators appear, on the outside, like coaching calls and facilitated meetings. In reality, they are dynamic transformational shifts that will get you thinking and working in more innovative ways.

3. Planning & Recalibration

The next part of the process moves into reimagining your business structures and systems. I’ll help you use visionary planning processes like Backcasting that enable you to work backwards from an optimal outcome—subverting existing leadership assumptions, biases and blind spots in the process. You’ll see what needs to change and develop the skills that will allow you to change it sustainably.

4. Integrating Change Throughout Your Team

I’ll help you build buy-in, alignment and belief by facilitating unique transformational events and retreats. In these experiences, your team will not just understand the conceptual goal of the change; they will also move through a transformational experience themselves, so they can better integrate the change emotionally—and translate that experience into new ways of working together.

5. Retrospective

Today, when change is continual, the end of every transformational process is the beginning of the next one. I will help you build transformation as a capability, ending our journey together by helping you envision and plan what comes next.

Meet My Collaborators

I have assembled a group of remarkable and diverse change experts from many different fields. These collaborators participate in my transformational engagements, guiding you with new perspectives, tools and insights.